HPV Survivor Stories

Anti-vaccination groups don’t fight with facts, they fight with emotion. They have multiple stories of their aunt/cousin/friend who has been adversely affected by a vaccine. We cannot fight these emotions with facts and figures and statistics; only with other emotional stories.

Here are some links to Survivor Stories – stories from people who contracted HPV and then went on to fight penile, cervical, oral, and other HPV-related cancers.

From the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/content/cancer/en/latest-news/stories-of-hope.html?q=oral

From ShotbyShot: http://www.shotbyshot.org/stories/hpv-survivor-stories/

From Cervivor: http://cervivor.org/stories

From the HPV Roundtable: http://hpvroundtable.org/resource-library/#filter=.video