Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A

Fast FactsFor Your PatientsHepatitis AContinuing Education


CDC: Widespread Hepatitis A Outbreak Across the United States (2016- Present)

USA Today: Hepatitis A Outbreak in Kentucky (3/6/2019)

Fast Facts

  • The hepatitis A virus attacks the liver, and is highly contagious.
  • The disease is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, and is usually self-limited.
  • The disease does not result in chronic infection, and the Hep A vaccine is available for long term prevention in those older than 1 year of age.
National Immunization Survey Data:

Percent of Children at 35 Months Who Have Received ≥ 2 HepA
(Health People 2030 Related Goal)

201171.1 75.8


For Your Patients

Fact Sheet: English | Spanish | For Gay and Bisexual Men
Hepatitis A MMWR
Difference Between Hep A, B, and C
Vaccine Information Statement: English | Spanish
Infographic: here

Hepatitis A

From the CDC’s Pink Book:

Hepatitis A (formerly called infectious hepatitis) and hepatitis B (formerly called serum hepatitis) have been recognized as separate entities since the early 1940s and can be diagnosed with specific serologic tests. Delta hepatitis is an infection dependent on the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It may occur as a coinfection with acute HBV infection or as superinfection of an HBV carrier.

Hepatitis A is caused by infection with HAV, a nonenveloped RNA virus that is classified as a picornavirus. It was first isolated in 1979. Humans are the only natural host, although several nonhuman primates have been infected in laboratory conditions. Depending on conditions, HAV can be stable in the environment for months. The virus is relatively stable at low pH levels and moderate temperatures but can be inactivated by high temperature (185°F [85°C] or higher), formalin, and chlorine.

HAV is acquired by mouth (through fecal-oral transmission) and replicates in the liver. After 10-12 days, virus is present in blood and is excreted via the biliary system into the feces. Peak titers occur during the 2 weeks before onset of illness. Although virus is present in serum, its concentration is several orders of magnitude less than in feces. Virus excretion begins to decline at the onset of clinical illness, and has decreased significantly by 7-10 days after onset of symptoms. Most infected persons no longer excrete virus in the feces by the third week of illness. Children may excrete virus longer than adults.

The incubation period of hepatitis A is approximately 28 days (range 15-50 days). The clinical course of acute hepatitis A is indistinguishable from that of other types of acute viral hepatitis. The illness typically has an abrupt onset of fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, abdominal discomfort, dark urine and jaundice. Clinical illness usually does not last longer than 2 months, although 10%-15% of persons have prolonged or relapsing signs and symptoms for up to 6 months. Virus may be excreted during a relapse.

The likelihood of symptomatic illness from HAV infection is directly related to age. In children younger than 6 years of age, most (70%) infections are asymptomatic. In older children and adults, infection is usually symptomatic, with jaundice occurring in more than 70% of patients.

Continuing Education

You Call The Shots: Hep A (expires 5/11/2023)